Monday, March 4, 2013

January/February Recap!

As I mentioned in a previous post, I never got a chance to do a January recap and now February recap time is upon us.  Sadly, I haven't has as much time to read as I would like so there's room for both months in one post.  Without further ado...

Skinny by Donna Cooner
Miss Fortune Cookie by Lauren Bjorkman
Earthseed by Pamela Sargent
Empty by K.M. Walton
Hysteria by Megan Miranda
Revolution 19 by Gregg Rosenblum
William and Kate: A Royal Love Story by Christopher Anderson
One Moment by Kristina McBride
Now by Morris Gleitzman
Ten by Gretchen McNeil
Poison by Bridget Zinn

Winter White by Jen Calonita
Stitch by Samantha Durante
Paper Valentine by Brenna Yovanoff
Reached by Ally Condie

Total books read in 2013: 16 (I'm behind 19 for my goal)
Total pages read in 2013: 4875