Diana Gabaldon
947 pages
Publisher: Dell
Source: PaperBackSwap.com
You can read the Goodreads summary here.
Dragonfly in Amber is the second novel in Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series. While the novel itself was engaging like the first one, full of rich characters, scenery, and plot, it did seem to serve as merely a bridge from the first novel, Outlander, to the third, Voyager. Dragonfly in Amber starts with our heroine, Claire, back in her modern day in the 1960s, with her grown daughter, searching for the history of Jamie's clan after she left the eighteenth century some twenty years earlier. We soon learn what she thought happened to Jamie did not actually happen at all. Thus, we know how Voyager will start before she launches into her story of what happened before she left him. The end of the novel, a page turner indeed, confirms it.
Still, despite the novel coming off as a bridge, I found it even more enjoyable than the first in the series and I'm looking forward to reading on. I think what I enjoyed the most about Dragonfly in Amber was meeting Claire's daughter and speculating as to what will happen in Voyager when Claire must decide whether or not to once again go back in time. If you haven't started this series yet, well for goodness sakes you're missing out.
PPS: In the future I'm going to try to avoid reading two massive books at the same time. Not only because I feel like I make no progress when doing so, but because I hate not updating my blog for you! I'll be reading relatively shorter books as I finish Gone with the Wind, so hopefully you'll get a new review sooner than six days from now.
I'm actually reading it right now and I was so confused when she started out in the future with her daughter. I had no idea what was going on because of the way Outlander ended. Thank you for clearing it up. I had to keep checking if I was even reading the right book.