Saturday, June 25, 2011


Lauren Kate
420 pages
Publisher: Delacourte

You can read the Goodreads summary here.

Here was my thinking in picking up this book: I'd read the first two so I thought, "Eh, there's only one more, I'll just read it to find out what happens."  Then I found out at the end of Passion that the final book in the series, Rapture, will come out Spring 2012.  Although I had never read anything saying the Fallen Series was a trilogy, I had assumed.  Now I'm back in the position of "Eh, there's only one more, I'll just read it to find out what happens."  So I'll do that next spring.

Anyway, I had read that Passion was going to be a lot better than Torment, which I mostly didn't like because the relationship between Daniel and Luce seemed so forced.  I had read in someone else's review that Daniel redeemed himself Passion by proving his love.  Well, to Luce he redeemed himself, but to me?  Not so much.  I still found their relationship tedious and overwrought with teenage angst.  It doesn't feel like real love to me.  That was what I didn't like about Passion.

What I did like about Passion was the format of the novel.  Lauren Kate takes Luce on a journey throughout the novel, father and father back in time as she searches for meaning in her relationship.  I am a history buff, and though the book wasn't exactly historically accurate in all ways, I really enjoyed seeing Luce's past lives.  What I really enjoyed was that though Kate could have written the novel with all of the past lives taking place in American and Britain, which is probably what I would have been close minded to do, she took Luce all over the world.

Three stars!  I have enjoyed the covers in this series and I can't wait to see what the cover for Rapture looks like.

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