Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Lauren Kate
452 pages
Publisher: Delacourte
Source: Tall Tales Bookshop

You can read the Goodreads summary here.

Torment picks up exactly where Fallen left off.  Daniel whisks Luce away to a new boarding school and then for the next eighteen days he and Cam form an alliance to fight the Outcasts.

What I didn't like: BOR-ING.  Also, Daniel is a jerk.  The whole thing read like Luce in Daniel were in love because they were supposed to be, not because they wanted to be.  I hear Daniel redeems himself in Passion, we shall see.

What I did like: Luce's new friends, especially Miles.  They had real chemistry and I would have liked to have seen their relationship grow more because, as I said before, Daniel is a jerk.  Also the events leading up to and including Thanksgiving made for some major page turning.

So why did this book get (a generous) three stars from me?  The majority of the book was boring and I didn't feel like the plot was driven by anything.  The last one hundred pages or so were very good, so when you average it all out, three stars.  It's not going to stop me from reading Passion, which I pre-ordered and is sitting on my shelf right now.

PS: Torment is in paperback now and Amazon has it pretty cheap.

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